Tryouts / Practice
Open Tryouts: Every Tuesday from 7pm to 9pm Kit Carson Root Field
San Diego Renegades base in the North County of San Diego, is looking for committed players. We are looking for players with great attitudes and that love the game. This team is a great opportunity for players looking to take their game to the next level.
The San Diego Renegades 2000 Organization will be holding evaluations for our 2014-15 14U team. The San Diego Renegades have a proud tradition of developing high school athletes to play at the highest level of softball. We are looking for players that are committed to improving themselves each and every time they take the field. We have access to excellent facility, both outdoors and indoors, and resources to teach and assist all of our girls. Our team competes at the “A” level and requires that type of commitment from our players and families. This years schedule will consist of tournament in ASA, PGF and TCS sanctioned events all season long. This season one of our goals will be to qualify for the ASA/PGF Nationals.
All positions are open and evaluations will be held the following dates and times:
Tryout location information:
All other positions may arrive 15 minutes early to register and warm-up.
Practice is Tuesday&Thursday @Kit Carson on Root Field from 7pm to 9pm
3333 Bear Valley Parkway Escondido Ca 9202